25 ++ r32 r33 r34 comparison 310547
R33 Skyline Chart Adam Wilcox Created with Datawrapper Nissan produced 16,668 R33 GTRs, according to the GTR registry—little more than a third of R32 production Of these, only the earliest fraction are presently eligible for import, since the 25year rule applies to the precise month of production, not generationFormerly the LINK NGTR now updated to the next generation NGTRX G4X platform!The main differences in the Vspec compared to the normal GTR, were 17 inch BBS wheels, Brembo brakes (the same as used later in the R33, and R34), some slight suspension changes, an ATTESA all wheel drive revision The difference between the Vspec and Vspec II were going from a 225 mm wide tire all around, to a 245 mm wide tire all around Eat Sleep Drift Pick Your Poison R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 Facebook R32 r33 r34 comparison